Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Selective Interpretation

Most people are very biased to their own opinions.  They have a stance on certain issues and will maintain those beliefs through thick and thin.  Some people can be so blinded by their own beliefs, that when another idea is presented to help a situation, they won't give it a single thought, they will continue with their process of shutting every other option out besides their own.  These ideas and behaviors our most prevalent in people's political stances.  Whether it be abortion, taxes, military, war, healthcare, gay marriage, global warming, etc., these ideas become so engrained in us we forget which way is up and which way is down.  This can usually be broken down into two groups: Democrats and Republicans.  Not liberals and conservatives, because those words have lost their true meanings and have just become other titles for democrats and republicans.  What I am getting at, is that our country isn't getting anything accomplished because all our representatives and leaders are wearing blinders.  They only see what they want to see and they only hear what they want to hear.  In light of the presidential campaign, there are people that actually want George W. Bush to have an illegal third term or say they will move to another country if Hillary Clinton is elected.  I've actually heard someone say that if Obama or Clinton is elected they will probably get assassinated.  People are so blinded by these political ideals, and it goes both ways, democrats and republicans.  Now, these ways of thinking affect how and what we see and hear.  A person who is a democrat will listen to democratic talk shows and watch CNN, just like a person who is a republican will listen to republican talk shows and watch FoxNews.  These preconceptions also hinder how we watch movies, especially documentaries.  Documentaries are supposed to inform and get people to think of things.  Yes, there are some documentaries that abuse this and use the same blinders that I was talking about in our ability to take in information, there are also blinders that restrict are ability to only give the information that we want to give.  What I'm trying to get across is that people need to be more open to new ideas and new things.  As humans we are very smart, but we are also very stubborn.  We get so stuck in our ways, just look at our dependency on oil.  We are so stuck on fossil fuels that instead of getting people to make change, we are stuck paying three to four dollars a gallon.  Be open to change and new things, and don't watch movies with won't ever enjoy them.

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